So here is the first triptych 'Cosmic Evolution' - in the words of Julie Andrews, 'let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start...' I've been reading a lot lately about Astrophysics and watching all those nerdy spacey programmes on TV (love 'em) and three aspects of cosmology grabbed me. The first is Dark Matter (and Energy) the realisation that all the stuff we can detect, measure and study in the known universe accounts for only around 5% of what there actually is - quite mindblowing! So for my piece, I dusted off my rudimentary knowledge about pie being squared (!) and calculated the area of my 3 circles to represent 5% of the total quilt. The rest is the unknown Dark stuff, rendered in various textile art techniques and embellished with lots of hand stitching to make the darkness of it really textural and interesting.
Cosmic Evolution I - Dark Matter |
Cosmic Evolution II - Redshift |
The final quilt in this triptych is my favourite! It shows part of the Cosmic Microwave Background, light left over from the Big Bang that is still 'visible' in the sky - at least it would be if we could see microwaves! A false colour image is usually rendered in these colours to show the hotter and colder spots. Heat and cold in this case are relative, it is somewhere in the region of -270 deg Celsius. It was discovered the year I was born quite by chance by two chaps who weren't looking for it and didn't know what it was when they found it but got the Nobel Prize anyway! This quilt is made largely of fabric mosaic with some of my favourite 'fabric bubbles' for texture and lots of fabric confetti held in place with angelina fibre and masses of tiny zig zag stitching. In real life it's really sparkly.
Cosmic Evolution III - First Light |
The next triptych is Stellar Evolution and I've just started on a star-forming region of space working with an image from the Hubble Space Telescope in rusts and turquoises. The universe is really beautiful! k3n x